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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Unsubscribtion of any service

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Most profitable FarmVille trees in order

FarmVille Trees

Most profitable FarmVille trees in order:

1. Acai Tree

Cost: 27 FarmVille Cash | Income: 158 | Harvest in: 2 days | Income / Day: 79
2. Olive Tree

Cost: Gift Only | Income: 112 | Harvest in: 4 days | Income / Day: 28
3. Date Tree

Cost: Gift Only | Income: 69 | Harvest in: 3 days | Income / Day: 23
4. Pomegranate Tree

Cost: Gift Only | Income: 108 | Harvest in: 5 days | Income / Day: 21.6
5. Banana Tree

Cost: Gift Only | Income: 56 | Harvest in: 3 days | Income / Day: 18.67
6. Passion Fruit Tree

Cost: Gift Only | Income: 93 | Harvest in: 5 days | Income / Day: 18.6
7. Grapefruit Tree

Cost: Gift Only | Income: 50 | Harvest in: 3 days | Income / Day: 16.67
8. Lime Tree

Cost: 750 | Income: 75 | Harvest in: 5 days | Income / Day: 15
9. Apricot Tree

Cost: Gift Only | Income: 56 | Harvest in: 4 days | Income / Day: 14
10. Lemon Tree

Cost: 475 | Income: 41 | Harvest in: 3 days | Income / Day: 13.67
11. Avocado Tree

Cost: Gift Only | Income: 37 | Harvest in: 3 days | Income / Day: 12.33
12. Peach Tree

Cost: 500 | Income: 47 | Harvest in: 4 days | Income / Day: 11.75
13. Fig Tree

Cost: Gift Only | Income: 33 | Harvest in: 3 days | Income / Day: 11
14. Orange Tree

Cost: 425 | Income: 40 | Harvest in: 4 days | Income / Day: 10
15. Plum Tree

Cost: 350 | Income: 30 | Harvest in: 3 days | Income / Day: 10
16. Apple Tree

Cost: 325 | Income: 28 | Harvest in: 3 days | Income / Day: 9.33
17. Cherry Tree

Cost: 225 | Income: 18 | Harvest in: 2 days | Income / Day: 9

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The answer to life the universe and everything is 42

The answer to life the universe and everything is 42

1). Go to Google home page.
2). Type the answer to life the universe and everything and click on search.

see the result the answer to life the universe and everything is 42.
This answer is from book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, as the "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything

Monday, January 10, 2011

Best FarmVille crops by harvest time

Best FarmVille crops by harvest time

* Best 2 hour crop:


* Best 4 hour crop:

Black Berries

* Best 6 hour crop:

Ghost Chili

* Best 8 hour crop:

Sugar Cane

* Best 10 hour crop:

Green Tea

* Best 12 hour crop:


* Best 16 hour crop:


* Best 1 day crop (23 hour) crop:


* Best 2 day crop (46 hour) crop:


* Best 3 day crop (69 hour) crop:

Red Wheat

* Best 4 day crop (92 hour) crop:

Yellow Melon

Sunday, January 9, 2011

These are the best earning FarmVille crops in order according to coin income:

These are the best earning FarmVille crops in order according to coin income:

1. Peas

Cost: 190 Sell: 381 Harvest Time: 23 hours (1 day) Planting XP: 3
2. Asparagus

Cost: 220 Sell: 357 Harvest Time: 16 hours Planting XP: 2
3. Onion

Cost: 170 Sell: 275 Harvest Time: 12 hours Planting XP: 1
4. Grapes

Cost: 85 Sell: 270 Harvest Time: 23 hours (1 day) Planting XP: 2
5. Sugar Cane

Cost: 165 Sell: 239 Harvest Time: 8 hours Planting XP: 1
6. Tomatoes

Cost: 100 Sell: 173 Harvest Time: 8 hours Planting XP: 1
7. Sunflowers

Cost: 135 Sell: 315 Harvest Time: 23 hours (1 day) Planting XP: 2
8. Green Tea

Cost: 105 Sell: 191 Harvest Time: 10 hours Planting XP: 1
9. Lilies

Cost: 195 Sell: 369 Harvest Time: 23 hours Planting XP: 2
10. Ghost Chili

Cost: 80 Sell: 136 Harvest Time: 6 hours Planting XP: 1
11. Acorn Squash

Cost: 175 Sell: 258 Harvest Time: 10 hours Planting XP: 1
12. Coffee

Cost: 120 Sell: 243 Harvest Time: 16 hours Planting XP: 1
13. Black Berries

Cost: 75 Sell: 117 Harvest Time: 4 hours Planting XP: 1
14. Blueberries

Cost: 50 Sell: 91 Harvest Time: 4 hours Planting XP: 1
15. Carrots

Cost: 110 Sell: 200 Harvest Time: 12 hours Planting XP: 1
16. Broccoli

Cost: 200 Sell: 473 Harvest Time: 46 hours (2 days) Planting XP: 2
17. Raspberries

Cost: 20 Sell: 46 Harvest Time: 2 hours Planting XP: 0
18. Cabbage

Cost: 140 Sell: 388 Harvest Time: 46 hours (2 days) Planting XP: 2
19. Pattypan Squash

Cost: 65 Sell: 160 Harvest Time: 16 hours Planting XP: 1
20. Lavender

Cost: 160 Sell: 384 Harvest Time: 46 hours (2 days) Planting XP: 2
21. Morning Glory

Cost: 60 Sell: 123 Harvest Time: 12 hours Planting XP: 1
22. Red Wheat

Cost: 180 Sell: 449 Harvest Time: 69 hours (3 days) Planting XP: 2
23. Peppers

Cost: 70 Sell: 162 Harvest Time: 23 hours (1 day) Planting XP: 2
24. Yellow Melon

Cost: 205 Sell: 528 Harvest Time: 92 hours (4 days) Planting XP: 2
25. Aloe Vera

Cost: 50 Sell: 85 Harvest Time: 6 hours Planting XP: 1
26. Corn

Cost: 150 Sell: 380 Harvest Time: 69 hours (3 days) Planting XP: 2
27. Rice

Cost: 45 Sell: 96 Harvest Time: 12 hours Planting XP: 1
28. Red Tulips

Cost: 75 Sell: 159 Harvest Time: 23 hours (1 day) Planting XP: 2
29. Pumpkin

Cost: 30 Sell: 68 Harvest Time: 8 hours Planting XP: 1
30. Pineapples

Cost: 95 Sell: 242 Harvest Time: 46 hours (2 days) Planting XP: 2
31. Potatoes

Cost: 135 Sell: 345 Harvest Time: 69 hours (3 days) Planting XP: 2
32. Cranberries

Cost: 55 Sell: 98 Harvest Time: 10 hours Planting XP: 1
33. Pink Roses

Cost: 120 Sell: 254 Harvest Time: 46 hours (2 days) Planting XP: 2
34. Strawberries

Cost: 10 Sell: 35 Harvest Time: 4 hours Planting XP: 1
35. Bell Peppers

Cost: 75 Sell: 198 Harvest Time: 46 hours (2 days) Planting XP: 2
36. Watermelon

Cost: 130 Sell: 348 Harvest Time: 92 hours (4 days) Planting XP: 2
37. Cotton

Cost: 75 Sell: 207 Harvest Time: 69 hours (3 days) Planting XP: 2
38. Squash – tied with soybeans

Cost: 40 Sell: 121 Harvest Time: 46 hours (2 days) Planting XP: 2
39. Soybeans – tied with squash

Cost: 15 Sell: 63 Harvest Time: 23 hours (1 day) Planting XP: 2
40. Daffodils

Cost: 60 Sell: 165 Harvest Time: 46 hours (2 days) Planting XP: 2
41. Artichokes

Cost: 70 Sell: 204 Harvest Time: 92 hours (4 days) Planting XP: 2
42. Eggplant

Cost: 25 Sell: 88 Harvest Time: 46 hours (2 days) Planting XP: 2
43. Wheat

Cost: 35 Sell: 115 Harvest Time: 69 hours (3 days) Planting XP: 2

Friday, January 7, 2011

Google Loco

1). Go to
2). Type in "google loco" and press "I'm feeling lucky"

See the jumping Google logo ( It may take time ) .

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Trick To Make Computer Speak Whatever You Type

Trick To Make Computer Speak Whatever You Type

1.Open Notepad and copy and paste the following code into it

Dim message, sapi
message=InputBox("What do you want me to say?","Speak to Me")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak message

2.Now save the notepad file with the name speak.vbs at your desktop.

3.Now double click on speak.vbs type in the box whatever you want your computer to speak for you.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

facebook codes for sending bold and underlined text in facebook chat.

Now here are the facebook codes for sending bold and underlined text in facebook chat.

For Sending Bold Text

* whatever you type between * *(two stars ) will automatically turns into bold.
* Example : You write
I *really* mean it.
Turns to
I really mean it.

For sending underlined Text

* Whatever you type between _ _(two underscores) will automatically turns into underlined text
* Example: You write

I really _mean_ it.
Turns to
I really mean it.

For writing Bold+Underline

* Whatever you type between *_ _* will automatically turns into Bold+Underline
* Example:

You *_mean_* it?
Turns to
You mean it?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Annoying Google

Annoying Google:- In this trick the capitalisation of your searches will change automatically.Some words will change into small letter and some into capital letters in your search result.Want to try it follow the instructions

* Go to
* Type Annoying Google
* Click on I’m feeling Lucky

Monday, January 3, 2011

want to see how the google homepage will look if it gets hacked

\ Google Hacker:-want to see how the google homepage will look if it gets hacked .Follow the instructions below

* Go to
* Type Google Hacker
* Click on I’m feeling Lucky

You can also change the background image of google

Change Background Image:-You can also change the background image of google image.To change the background image follow the instructions

* Go to
* Click on the Change Background Image
* Login with gmail username and upload Image

This will not work if you open the encrypted google.To open unencrypted version

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Google font size increasing

Epic Google:- In epic Google you will see the font size of Google increasing automatically as if it will come out of your computer screen.To use Google Follow the instructions

* Go to
* Type Epic Google
* Click on I’m feeling Lucky